Saturday, September 7, 2013

September Moot

[2013/09/07 13:22]  Eilidh McCullough: Hello Miss Serra, Olde
[2013/09/07 13:22]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): Nice to see you Miss Eili
[2013/09/07 13:23]  Serra Anansi: ahh!
[2013/09/07 13:24]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): Greetings Lady Twilight
[2013/09/07 13:24]  Podruly Peccable: Hello everyone
[2013/09/07 13:24]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): Nice to see you Your Grace
[2013/09/07 13:24]  Serra Anansi: Hello Eili, Olde
[2013/09/07 13:24]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): Hello Podruly
[2013/09/07 13:24]  Serra Anansi: Good afternoon, Sir Pod!  Its been far to long since i saw you last
[2013/09/07 13:24]  Eilidh McCullough: hello Miz Gabi, Mr Pod
[2013/09/07 13:24]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Oh, nice table.
[2013/09/07 13:24]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): Hello Scout
[2013/09/07 13:25]  Eilidh McCullough: hello Miss Scout
[2013/09/07 13:25]  Serra Anansi: Hello Lady Gabi!
[2013/09/07 13:25]  Scout Danger (scout.eberhardt): Hola
[2013/09/07 13:25]  Gabrielle Riel: Good day :-)
[2013/09/07 13:25]  Serra Anansi: Miss Toubanua and Scout-snacks
[2013/09/07 13:25]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): Good to see you Ms. Toubanua
[2013/09/07 13:25]  Eilidh McCullough: hello Ms Toubana
[2013/09/07 13:25]  Serra Anansi: Countess
[2013/09/07 13:25]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Good to see you too :)
[2013/09/07 13:25]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Hello all :)
[2013/09/07 13:25]  Scout Danger (scout.eberhardt): hugger bugger head elfy lady
[2013/09/07 13:25]  Eilidh McCullough: Hello Cassie
[2013/09/07 13:25]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Snacks?
[2013/09/07 13:25]  Serra Anansi: shes so small
[2013/09/07 13:26]  Serra Anansi: she is snack sized
[2013/09/07 13:26]  Scout Danger (scout.eberhardt): i need a booster seat
[2013/09/07 13:26]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): and we have rezzination
[2013/09/07 13:26]  Serra Anansi: we can get you a stack of books to sit on next week
[2013/09/07 13:26]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): Good to see you Ray
[2013/09/07 13:26]  Scout Danger (scout.eberhardt): that will work
[2013/09/07 13:26]  Serra Anansi: Hello Mr Holmer
[2013/09/07 13:27]  Serra Anansi: Ray is here!?  *looks around*
[2013/09/07 13:27]  Filbert Holmer: Greetings
[2013/09/07 13:27]  Ray (ray.weyland): Hi Olde :-)
[2013/09/07 13:27]  Serra Anansi: ah ha, he is!
[2013/09/07 13:27]  Serra Anansi: Hello Ray
[2013/09/07 13:27]  Eilidh McCullough: Hello Ray
[2013/09/07 13:27]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Oh, I didn't have to come with my cat alt to-day. I was too busy early to start in the chess tournament
[2013/09/07 13:27]  Ray (ray.weyland): Sorry .. SL is not being nice to me today
[2013/09/07 13:27]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): hello lady Twilight
[2013/09/07 13:27]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): hello dear
[2013/09/07 13:27]  Eilidh McCullough: Oh, grid has been most wonky
[2013/09/07 13:27]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): hello my love
[2013/09/07 13:27]  Ray (ray.weyland): Hello Miss Serra :-)
[2013/09/07 13:27]  Serra Anansi: There she is
[2013/09/07 13:27]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): SL's been generally sluggish and weird since the big update, I think
[2013/09/07 13:28]  Serra Anansi: Good to see you, Wizard
[2013/09/07 13:28]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): Smiles and waves at Ms. Ori!!
[2013/09/07 13:28]  Eilidh McCullough: Hello Ms Ori
[2013/09/07 13:28]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): hello miss Eili, Podruly, Ori, Scout, Ray, Toubanua, Filbert.....smiles
[2013/09/07 13:28]  Oriella Charik: hi hi
[2013/09/07 13:28]  Serra Anansi: /me complains to herself how much she misses her two monitors
[2013/09/07 13:28]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Hello :)
[2013/09/07 13:29]  Eilidh McCullough: I have two monitors at work, most useful
[2013/09/07 13:29]  Scout Danger (scout.eberhardt): ok totally off topic statement but someone needs to create a hate with elf ear holes
[2013/09/07 13:29]  Scout Danger (scout.eberhardt): hat
[2013/09/07 13:29]  Scout Danger (scout.eberhardt): oy
[2013/09/07 13:29]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): :)
[2013/09/07 13:29]  Scout Danger (scout.eberhardt): stupid typing lag
[2013/09/07 13:29]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Seems like they'd do good business around here :)
[2013/09/07 13:29]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): i'm still in shock.....
[2013/09/07 13:29]  Podruly Peccable: /I do a well, Miss elli, it is very helpful
[2013/09/07 13:30]  Ray (ray.weyland): yes ... work .. I have a very nice machine at work ... SL likes it better, anyway
[2013/09/07 13:30]  Jan (h0n2a): Hello :)
[2013/09/07 13:30]  Nicholas Murdock: /me rezzes and waves to everyone.
[2013/09/07 13:30]  Gabrielle Riel: Hello Jan :-)
[2013/09/07 13:30]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): my typist went to the local grocery shop and...they had...laying there on the shelf...a bag of Lay's Potato chips....."Waffles & Chicken" flavour
[2013/09/07 13:30]  Oriella Charik: A hate with elf ears? Neko ears are mildly annoying, twitchy things...
[2013/09/07 13:30]  Serra Anansi: Hello Nicholas
[2013/09/07 13:31]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): hello Nicholas
[2013/09/07 13:31]  Serra Anansi: Good day to you, Jan!
[2013/09/07 13:31]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): hello Gabi
[2013/09/07 13:31]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Wow, Lady Eldemar. That sounds like maybe a prank?
[2013/09/07 13:31]  Gabrielle Riel: Hi Cassie :-)
[2013/09/07 13:31]  Serra Anansi: nope, that is a real flavor
[2013/09/07 13:31]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Wow
[2013/09/07 13:31]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): She was so funny when she came home
[2013/09/07 13:31]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): well, laughs....honest injun, its true
[2013/09/07 13:31]  Wildstar Beaumont: hello all !
[2013/09/07 13:31]  Oriella Charik: Waffle Chips? Yum
[2013/09/07 13:31]  Serra Anansi: lol
[2013/09/07 13:31]  Eilidh McCullough: Background music here today via TV - last Night of the Proms
[2013/09/07 13:32]  Eilidh McCullough: Hello Admiral
[2013/09/07 13:32]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): waffle and chicken no less
[2013/09/07 13:32]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): Hello Admiral
[2013/09/07 13:32]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): hello Wild
[2013/09/07 13:32]  Podruly Peccable: Oh yes, I will catch that tomorrow on iPlayer
[2013/09/07 13:32]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Waffles and chicken, I don't see those flavours being anything but noise together
[2013/09/07 13:32]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): hello Jan
[2013/09/07 13:32]  Serra Anansi: okay I am going to get started - there is a good deal to go over
[2013/09/07 13:32]  Oriella Charik: /me typist switches to TV
[2013/09/07 13:32]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): waves to Dimi
[2013/09/07 13:32]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): Hello Dimi
[2013/09/07 13:32]  DimiTarantello: waves ㋡
[2013/09/07 13:32]  Podruly Peccable: /me sings "land of Hope and Glory"
[2013/09/07 13:33]  Ray (ray.weyland): I need to run periodically.. but will be back and reading with high interest
[2013/09/07 13:33]  Wildstar Beaumont: goodness .. Last night already .. I had not realized it
[2013/09/07 13:33]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): wouldn't a game of musical chairs be fun?
[2013/09/07 13:33]  Serra Anansi: Hello, Admiral, welcome!
[2013/09/07 13:33]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): giggles
[2013/09/07 13:33]  Oriella Charik: /me hopes she hasn't missed any Sea Shanties
[2013/09/07 13:34]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): lol
[2013/09/07 13:34]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): *looks at Cassie
[2013/09/07 13:34]  Serra Anansi: Thank you all for coming!
[2013/09/07 13:34]  Serra Anansi: I am glad I put in more chairs
[2013/09/07 13:34]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): decodes tp take a half a xanax
[2013/09/07 13:34]  Serra Anansi: First topic tonight is "autumn"
[2013/09/07 13:34]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): decides to*
[2013/09/07 13:35]  Wildstar Beaumont: I had in mind to organize a listening event in world for the last night of the proms, but I guess it will have to be next year , now
[2013/09/07 13:35]  Serra Anansi: Selena and I have been working on getting the sims converted over to autumn
[2013/09/07 13:35]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): I love the new ground texture
[2013/09/07 13:35]  Wildstar Beaumont: YAY ! Winter is coming !
[2013/09/07 13:35]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): yes!
[2013/09/07 13:35]  Serra Anansi: That new texture is from Skye -
[2013/09/07 13:35]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): the ground texture is lovely
[2013/09/07 13:35]  Gabrielle Riel: /me glowers at the Admiral
[2013/09/07 13:35]  DimiTarantello: agrees
[2013/09/07 13:35]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): giggles
[2013/09/07 13:36]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): heheh
[2013/09/07 13:36]  Serra Anansi: link to the market place:
[2013/09/07 13:36]  Scout Danger (scout.eberhardt): cause i stalked him
[2013/09/07 13:36]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): and spring won't be far behind....
[2013/09/07 13:36]  Wildstar Beaumont: /me starts humming "the rains of castamere"
[2013/09/07 13:36]  Serra Anansi: the texture used is Autumnal 512 7-3 for those of you who need to texture ground effects
[2013/09/07 13:37]  Selena Sideways: omgosh am i in the middle of the table lolo
[2013/09/07 13:37]  Serra Anansi: that is the most used one, there are some others used for accent
[2013/09/07 13:37]  Herndon Bluebird: wbEili
[2013/09/07 13:37]  Podruly Peccable: /me considers what to do for autumn
[2013/09/07 13:37]  Eilidh McCullough: Thank you
[2013/09/07 13:37]  Serra Anansi: Hello, Lady Selena
[2013/09/07 13:37]  Selena Sideways: so9rry i am late Princess
[2013/09/07 13:38]  Ray (ray.weyland): sorry .. that was not the sort of RUNNING I meant ... back (I hope)
[2013/09/07 13:38]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): hello ms Selena
[2013/09/07 13:38]  Serra Anansi: Princes is out shopping... I am running the event today :D
[2013/09/07 13:38]  Selena Sideways: hi Cassie hugs
[2013/09/07 13:38]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): *hugs*
[2013/09/07 13:38]  Nicholas Murdock: You're late. 20 points from Gryffindor and 10 pushups.
[2013/09/07 13:38]  Serra Anansi: in addition to the new textures for terrain, Skye has also released the mesh forest in full seasonal glory!
[2013/09/07 13:39]  Gabrielle Riel: Ohhh
[2013/09/07 13:39]  Serra Anansi: The mesh forest has spring, summer, fall and winter
[2013/09/07 13:39]  Serra Anansi:
[2013/09/07 13:39]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Very nice
[2013/09/07 13:39]  Serra Anansi: just a tip from what we found while installing them
[2013/09/07 13:39]  Scout Danger (scout.eberhardt): he is working on some other pieces
[2013/09/07 13:39]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): i saw that! quite breathtaking
[2013/09/07 13:39]  Serra Anansi: there is a three tree cluster
[2013/09/07 13:39]  Wildstar Beaumont: /me foresee lindens being spent copiously
[2013/09/07 13:39]  Nicholas Murdock: ooooh purty :)
[2013/09/07 13:39]  Serra Anansi: it is the best prim efficient item AND
[2013/09/07 13:40]  Filbert Holmer: Very nice
[2013/09/07 13:40]  Serra Anansi: each of the trees leaves are seperate prims so you can tint
[2013/09/07 13:40]  Serra Anansi: this is not the case with the large mass forest
[2013/09/07 13:40]  Serra Anansi: the mass forest has one prim for all the leaves which makes for a one blob of color if you tint
[2013/09/07 13:40]  Gabrielle Riel: Eeek
[2013/09/07 13:41]  Serra Anansi: The base of the trees can also be texture changed to match the ground we are using sim wide
[2013/09/07 13:41]  Serra Anansi: which is what we did
[2013/09/07 13:41]  Serra Anansi: in addition to those landscaping additions to the realm
[2013/09/07 13:42]  Serra Anansi: Uni will be releasing what she calls her Mesa cliff
[2013/09/07 13:42]  Serra Anansi: she used it on her forest floor sim
[2013/09/07 13:42]  Serra Anansi: and we have started using it arond the realm
[2013/09/07 13:42]  Wildstar Beaumont: :)
[2013/09/07 13:42]  Serra Anansi: it is essentially a round/oval plateau
[2013/09/07 13:43]  Scout Danger (scout.eberhardt): skye is redoing their tree tunnel too....
[2013/09/07 13:43]  Serra Anansi: that is mesh and can be textured
[2013/09/07 13:43]  Podruly Peccable: It is a cliff landscaping THINGY?
[2013/09/07 13:43]  Serra Anansi: good, I want that once it is done
[2013/09/07 13:43]  Scout Danger (scout.eberhardt): you know i will let you know :)
[2013/09/07 13:43]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): giggles
[2013/09/07 13:43]  Serra Anansi: ther
[2013/09/07 13:43]  Serra Anansi: you can see it
[2013/09/07 13:43]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Ah, looks handy
[2013/09/07 13:44]  Podruly Peccable: /me ducks as the rock appears
[2013/09/07 13:44]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): ok! I was NOT imagining things
[2013/09/07 13:44]  Serra Anansi: lol
[2013/09/07 13:44]  Serra Anansi: /me creates rock out of air
[2013/09/07 13:44]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): *under the table
[2013/09/07 13:44]  Serra Anansi: so it is SUPER handy
[2013/09/07 13:44]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): lol
[2013/09/07 13:44]  Serra Anansi: especially with one of our later topics
[2013/09/07 13:45]  Serra Anansi: this is not released yet, but will be
[2013/09/07 13:45]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): ahhhh...oks
[2013/09/07 13:45]  Serra Anansi: it is mesh
[2013/09/07 13:45]  Podruly Peccable: So you can walk on it?
[2013/09/07 13:45]  Serra Anansi: so it does have different land impacts when you scale it
[2013/09/07 13:45]  Serra Anansi: yes you can walk on it
[2013/09/07 13:46]  Serra Anansi: 64x64 comes out to like 5 LI
[2013/09/07 13:46]  Serra Anansi: so not bad for its beauty and functionality
[2013/09/07 13:46]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): nice
[2013/09/07 13:47]  Serra Anansi: there is also a kit for paths that we are using.. but I cant think of the name of them at the moment
[2013/09/07 13:48]  Scout Danger (scout.eberhardt): i know it - it is the rothen something
[2013/09/07 13:48]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): welcome back Toubanua
[2013/09/07 13:48]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): wb
[2013/09/07 13:48]  Serra Anansi: Id like to ask everyone to be converted to autumn as soon as you can as I would like to host a photo contest in late september
[2013/09/07 13:48]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Thanks, sorry, crashed
[2013/09/07 13:48]  Serra Anansi: its been a long time since I held one and I think its a good time to have it again
[2013/09/07 13:48]  Wildstar Beaumont: welcome back Miss Toubanua
[2013/09/07 13:48]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Thanks :)
[2013/09/07 13:49]  Serra Anansi: I will have the details out soon so keep an eye out for those details
[2013/09/07 13:49]  Podruly Peccable: There's lots of pretty places
[2013/09/07 13:49]  Serra Anansi: I think we will do an open vote situation again for the winners
[2013/09/07 13:49]  Serra Anansi: one vote per avie
[2013/09/07 13:50]  Wildstar Beaumont: suggestion
[2013/09/07 13:50]  Serra Anansi: yes, admiral?
[2013/09/07 13:50]  Wildstar Beaumont: voting sations to collect L$ for boobiethon ?
[2013/09/07 13:50]  Wildstar Beaumont: stations*
[2013/09/07 13:50]  Serra Anansi: good idea!
[2013/09/07 13:50]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): oooooooo
[2013/09/07 13:50]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): yes
[2013/09/07 13:50]  Serra Anansi: 10L a vote?
[2013/09/07 13:50]  Nicholas Murdock: Yes, I like the idea of voting being contingent on a donation.
[2013/09/07 13:51]  Serra Anansi: or a total over all collected is marker for a win?
[2013/09/07 13:52]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): oh, it matters not to me
[2013/09/07 13:52]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Sounds good to me
[2013/09/07 13:52]  Serra Anansi: okay I will get the info out for the voting to take place the week of Boobiethon
[2013/09/07 13:53]  Serra Anansi: great idea, Admiral
[2013/09/07 13:53]  Serra Anansi: okay next "landscaping" topic...
[2013/09/07 13:53]  Serra Anansi: the water ways
[2013/09/07 13:53]  Serra Anansi: we have had a number of consolidations in the last year
[2013/09/07 13:53]  Serra Anansi: so some of the water ways have shrunk and are unpassable by ship
[2013/09/07 13:54]  Serra Anansi: Selena took a sail around the realm and found that there are a few target areas
[2013/09/07 13:54]  Oriella Charik: double parked ships, weeds....
[2013/09/07 13:55]  Serra Anansi: but instead of calling out specific people I am going to ask that everyone take a look at your water ways (if you live on one) and clean up and give the shore a nice nip and tuck
[2013/09/07 13:55]  Serra Anansi: sometimes there is nothing on the land along the shore so a bit of terraforming shouldn't be painful
[2013/09/07 13:56]  Serra Anansi: The bridge in Sanctuary is going away
[2013/09/07 13:56]  Serra Anansi: and that water way has been widened
[2013/09/07 13:56]  Serra Anansi: the bridge that was there will be replaced with a reverse bridge
[2013/09/07 13:57]  Serra Anansi: walkers and riders can click a sign and get a bridge to rez
[2013/09/07 13:57]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): ahhhhhh
[2013/09/07 13:57]  Podruly Peccable: Magic!
[2013/09/07 13:57]  Herndon Bluebird: Cool!
[2013/09/07 13:57]  Serra Anansi: the reason for this is because ships are moving much faster and have a hard time reading signs and possibly wont even turn down a water way if they see a bridge
[2013/09/07 13:58]  Serra Anansi: so lack of bridges or bridges that are "open" normally would be best
[2013/09/07 13:58]  Nicholas Murdock: A good set of bow chasers can make short work of wooden bridges ;)
[2013/09/07 13:58]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): :)
[2013/09/07 13:58]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): lol
[2013/09/07 13:58]  Serra Anansi: lol
[2013/09/07 13:58]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): greek fire?
[2013/09/07 13:59]  Filbert Holmer: Yes, bridges tend to be a pain in the mast.
[2013/09/07 13:59]  Serra Anansi: ahh Nicholas, you and your questionable loyalty to the realm   *winks*
[2013/09/07 13:59]  Selena Sideways: lol
[2013/09/07 13:59]  Nicholas Murdock: or if you use 2 die-20, you can have Geek Fire ;)
[2013/09/07 13:59]  Serra Anansi: lol
[2013/09/07 13:59]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): lol
[2013/09/07 13:59]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): giggles
[2013/09/07 14:00]  Serra Anansi: as part of the water way clean up, Laird Aislinn will be re mapping the ferry
[2013/09/07 14:01]  Serra Anansi: /me points to the map behind her
[2013/09/07 14:01]  Serra Anansi: do I need to make that full bright for anyone?
[2013/09/07 14:02]  Nicholas Murdock: /me checks the map and starts pondering new seaways protection strategies ;)
[2013/09/07 14:02]  Ray (ray.weyland): is the dotted area a portage?
[2013/09/07 14:02]  Serra Anansi: over in Rustica?
[2013/09/07 14:02]  Ray (ray.weyland): yes :-)
[2013/09/07 14:02]  Oriella Charik: Under the Rustica tunnel
[2013/09/07 14:02]  Serra Anansi: that is the ferry going through the great mouth of Rustica
[2013/09/07 14:02]  Ray (ray.weyland): oooooo .. nice
[2013/09/07 14:03]  Wildstar Beaumont: cool !
[2013/09/07 14:03]  Podruly Peccable: Sweet
[2013/09/07 14:03]  Serra Anansi: (yes there are two there.. max and the tunnel)
[2013/09/07 14:03]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): good eyes Ray
[2013/09/07 14:03]  Nicholas Murdock: I recall he used to have part of his place built over a waterway.
[2013/09/07 14:03]  Oriella Charik: Pirates of Rustica!
[2013/09/07 14:03]  Serra Anansi: LOL
[2013/09/07 14:04]  Serra Anansi: whos battle cry is "HOLA"
[2013/09/07 14:04]  Oriella Charik: heh
[2013/09/07 14:04]  Serra Anansi: Laird  Aislinn has confirmed that all water ways are currently clear for the ferry
[2013/09/07 14:05]  Podruly Peccable: Excellent, I love the eferry
[2013/09/07 14:05]  Serra Anansi: the green dots are stops
[2013/09/07 14:05]  Eilidh McCullough: Will there be a ferry dock anywhere on the north-western landmass?
[2013/09/07 14:05]  Oriella Charik: Less stops on the Canal?
[2013/09/07 14:05]  Serra Anansi: two stops on the canal
[2013/09/07 14:06]  Serra Anansi: same as always
[2013/09/07 14:06]  Serra Anansi: we used to have more stops in the private areas of Winterfell
[2013/09/07 14:06]  Oriella Charik: kk
[2013/09/07 14:06]  Serra Anansi: but when land changed hands the new owners sometimes didnt want the landing
[2013/09/07 14:06]  Serra Anansi: and to take out a landing meant redrafting the entire route
[2013/09/07 14:06]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): Is it possible to add a stop
[2013/09/07 14:06]  Wildstar Beaumont: I do not have any problems if the ferry stops at star port if we need a stop in the NW
[2013/09/07 14:07]  Serra Anansi: adding and subtracting is hard
[2013/09/07 14:07]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): *nods
[2013/09/07 14:07]  Serra Anansi: /me nods to Wildstar
[2013/09/07 14:07]  Serra Anansi: I will talk to Cee about that
[2013/09/07 14:07]  Serra Anansi: I think your holding of Ebonshire is stable
[2013/09/07 14:07]  Serra Anansi: as well as Uni in Forest Floor
[2013/09/07 14:07]  Wildstar Beaumont: as long as you do not threaten to sink the sim
[2013/09/07 14:07]  Wildstar Beaumont: /me grins
[2013/09/07 14:08]  Serra Anansi: the chance of that now lies fully in your hands Admiral
[2013/09/07 14:08]  Serra Anansi: speaking of which
[2013/09/07 14:08]  Herndon Bluebird: I could make room for a stop in the SW corner of Winterfell, if that would help
[2013/09/07 14:09]  Serra Anansi: I should touch base again about the reorg we recently had
[2013/09/07 14:09]  Serra Anansi: The support from all of you and the rest of the community was outstanding
[2013/09/07 14:09]  Wildstar Beaumont: [15:49] Lady Twilight (serra.anansi): I will be sure to send Wildstar a special thank you... .... shall I sink the entire sim?
[2013/09/07 14:09]  Serra Anansi: HEY
[2013/09/07 14:09]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): that was fast! :)
[2013/09/07 14:10]  Serra Anansi: /me eyes Old
[2013/09/07 14:10]  Serra Anansi: you are a bad man, sir
[2013/09/07 14:10]  Wildstar Beaumont: okay okay ... that was your rezzday party .. you were drunk !
[2013/09/07 14:10]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): lol
[2013/09/07 14:10]  Serra Anansi: LOL
[2013/09/07 14:10]  Wildstar Beaumont: /me laughs
[2013/09/07 14:10]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): *looks down to see if shin guards are in place
[2013/09/07 14:10]  Serra Anansi: LOL
[2013/09/07 14:10]  Serra Anansi: so the down size went very smoothly
[2013/09/07 14:10]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): :)
[2013/09/07 14:11]  Serra Anansi: everyone involved was so helpful and supportive
[2013/09/07 14:11]  Serra Anansi: The accounting is once again in a healthy place
[2013/09/07 14:11]  Wildstar Beaumont: :)
[2013/09/07 14:11]  Podruly Peccable: Huzzah!
[2013/09/07 14:12]  Serra Anansi: so thank you all for your support and understanding
[2013/09/07 14:12]  Serra Anansi: Herndon, i did hear your offer
[2013/09/07 14:12]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): :)
[2013/09/07 14:12]  Serra Anansi: I am going to talk to Cee about the best way to go forward
[2013/09/07 14:12]  Herndon Bluebird: :-)
[2013/09/07 14:13]  Serra Anansi: I think doubleing back to Winterfell would be one more sim crossing
[2013/09/07 14:13]  Serra Anansi: so we might pass on that location
[2013/09/07 14:13]  Herndon Bluebird: Whatever is best :-)
[2013/09/07 14:13]  Serra Anansi: but adding to Forest Floor and Ebonshire might be nice
[2013/09/07 14:14]  Serra Anansi: Cassie and Olde, we can talk about a possible location for your areas
[2013/09/07 14:14]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): ok
[2013/09/07 14:14]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): alright...i didn't wish to interrupt:)
[2013/09/07 14:14]  Serra Anansi: /me smiles
[2013/09/07 14:14]  Serra Anansi: I know *hugs*
[2013/09/07 14:15]  Serra Anansi: but I could feel you thinking
[2013/09/07 14:15]  Serra Anansi: :P
[2013/09/07 14:15]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): giggles
[2013/09/07 14:15]  Serra Anansi: OKAY, I think that is the last of the landscaping/waterways topics
[2013/09/07 14:15]  Serra Anansi: any questions?
[2013/09/07 14:16]  Serra Anansi: /me waits another moment
[2013/09/07 14:16]  Serra Anansi: okay then!
[2013/09/07 14:17]  Serra Anansi: on to the last bits
[2013/09/07 14:17]  Serra Anansi: the big events!
[2013/09/07 14:17]  Serra Anansi: First is the Consulate of Europa Wulfenbach 6th Game Day
[2013/09/07 14:17]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): yay
[2013/09/07 14:17]  Serra Anansi: /me points to the poster on the wall behind her
[2013/09/07 14:17]  Serra Anansi: you can touch that for info...but i will give it a run down too
[2013/09/07 14:18]  Serra Anansi: the good Baron puts on these game days twice a year
[2013/09/07 14:18]  Serra Anansi: Winterfell has hosted events in nearly all of them
[2013/09/07 14:18]  Serra Anansi: but I have been remiss and never announced to the Winterfell group
[2013/09/07 14:18]  Serra Anansi: This is a really great way to take part in events all around the steamlands
[2013/09/07 14:19]  Serra Anansi: while we are not specifically a steamland, we are considered family
[2013/09/07 14:19]  Serra Anansi: and if you are around the weekend of the 14th and 15th
[2013/09/07 14:19]  Serra Anansi: and youd like to meet great people and have a fun time
[2013/09/07 14:19]  Nicholas Murdock: Second cousins twice removed (we kept finding our way back)
[2013/09/07 14:19]  Serra Anansi: I invite you to take part
[2013/09/07 14:19]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): :)
[2013/09/07 14:19]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): heheh
[2013/09/07 14:20]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): or country cousins
[2013/09/07 14:20]  Serra Anansi: /me laughs with Nicholas
[2013/09/07 14:20]  Serra Anansi: Selena is hosting a horse race
[2013/09/07 14:20]  Serra Anansi: horses will be provided and you dont need to know how to ride, just hop on and goooo
[2013/09/07 14:21]  Serra Anansi: depending on how many people want to participate, the race may be handled in an elimination style contest
[2013/09/07 14:21]  Serra Anansi: so take the info from the poster and we hope to see you around that weekend having some fun
[2013/09/07 14:22]  Eilidh McCullough: /me puts En Garde time in Mr N's diary
[2013/09/07 14:22]  Serra Anansi: oh yes.. Neill and Wildstar and Selena will be on a team competing in the En Garde tourny
[2013/09/07 14:22]  Serra Anansi: they are still looking for a 4th
[2013/09/07 14:23]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): kicks someone under the table.....
[2013/09/07 14:23]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): If a teacher is available.....
[2013/09/07 14:23]  Serra Anansi: .me laughs
[2013/09/07 14:24]  Serra Anansi: you should get some practice time in Olde
[2013/09/07 14:24]  Serra Anansi: :)
[2013/09/07 14:24]  Eilidh McCullough: I have a biggie sword somewhere if you need a practice partner, Olde
[2013/09/07 14:24]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): yes
[2013/09/07 14:24]  Serra Anansi: So that is game day
[2013/09/07 14:24]  Wildstar Beaumont: stabbing time tomorrow, Olde
[2013/09/07 14:24]  Ray (ray.weyland): *sigh* I used to .. but time gets away from me
[2013/09/07 14:24]  Serra Anansi: you should practice at PHC
[2013/09/07 14:24]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): You do not have to chicken out Ray
[2013/09/07 14:24]  Serra Anansi: :)
[2013/09/07 14:25]  Serra Anansi: and finally.... BoobieThon!!!!
[2013/09/07 14:25]  Gabrielle Riel: /me chuckles
[2013/09/07 14:25]  Serra Anansi: AMAZING how the year has passed already
[2013/09/07 14:25]  Wildstar Beaumont: /me pokes the Seneschelf
[2013/09/07 14:25]  Serra Anansi: what?
[2013/09/07 14:25]  Wildstar Beaumont: event on the 21st ;)
[2013/09/07 14:26]  Serra Anansi: OH!
[2013/09/07 14:26]  Serra Anansi: DUH
[2013/09/07 14:26]  Serra Anansi: /me hangs head for a moment
[2013/09/07 14:26]  Serra Anansi: 21st at noon SLT
[2013/09/07 14:26]  Serra Anansi: we have the 4th annual Privateers Ball
[2013/09/07 14:26]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): woot
[2013/09/07 14:27]  Wildstar Beaumont: most appropriate to announce as they are playing "rule britannia" at the Proms
[2013/09/07 14:27]  Wildstar Beaumont: :D
[2013/09/07 14:27]  Podruly Peccable: :)
[2013/09/07 14:27]  Serra Anansi: :D
[2013/09/07 14:27]  Serra Anansi: Selena has asked that we make an official poster invite and pass it out to all our sailing buddies
[2013/09/07 14:27]  Podruly Peccable: Ahh, the Azure Main!
[2013/09/07 14:28]  Serra Anansi: /me looks at her calendar and frowns
[2013/09/07 14:28]  Serra Anansi: how does this happen?
[2013/09/07 14:28]  Serra Anansi: LOL
[2013/09/07 14:28]  Serra Anansi: an entire summer of calm and clear
[2013/09/07 14:28]  Serra Anansi: and them KABLAMMO
[2013/09/07 14:28]  Serra Anansi: EVENTS
[2013/09/07 14:28]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): lol
[2013/09/07 14:28]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): is that why they call it Fall?
[2013/09/07 14:29]  Serra Anansi: lol, perhaps!
[2013/09/07 14:29]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): lol
[2013/09/07 14:29]  Eilidh McCullough: In some parts ;)
[2013/09/07 14:29]  Filbert Holmer: Sounds normal to me.
[2013/09/07 14:29]  Podruly Peccable: Its just like buses, wait ages for one, then three at once
[2013/09/07 14:29]  Serra Anansi: so plan on some serious rum guzzling fun on the 21st!
[2013/09/07 14:30]  Selena Sideways: ㋡
[2013/09/07 14:30]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): yo ho ho and a bottle of rum
[2013/09/07 14:30]  Serra Anansi: any volunteers to make the privateers ball poster?
[2013/09/07 14:30]  Serra Anansi: we need it pretty fast
[2013/09/07 14:30]  Wildstar Beaumont: I'll prepare it, Miss Serra
[2013/09/07 14:30]  Serra Anansi: great!
[2013/09/07 14:30]  Serra Anansi: thank you
[2013/09/07 14:30]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): :)
[2013/09/07 14:30]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): 'scuse me...brb
[2013/09/07 14:31]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): hb dear before I get in trouble
[2013/09/07 14:31]  Serra Anansi: can you make it the same ratio as the game day poster?  it will look so nice on the other side of the map
[2013/09/07 14:31]  Wildstar Beaumont: do you know the exact ratio ?
[2013/09/07 14:32]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): yeesh!!!
[2013/09/07 14:32]  Serra Anansi: I will ask captain Nacht and let you know
[2013/09/07 14:32]  Wildstar Beaumont: no worries
[2013/09/07 14:32]  Wildstar Beaumont: 1:2
[2013/09/07 14:32]  Serra Anansi: and i really REALLY need to start busting my ass on boobiethon stuff
[2013/09/07 14:32]  Wildstar Beaumont: easy
[2013/09/07 14:32]  Serra Anansi: I have been relaxing alot this month
[2013/09/07 14:32]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): the pawty is ovah
[2013/09/07 14:33]  Serra Anansi: unemployed = super nice vacation
[2013/09/07 14:33]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): :)
[2013/09/07 14:33]  Serra Anansi: I start my job monday so that is over
[2013/09/07 14:33]  Wildstar Beaumont: :)
[2013/09/07 14:33]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Congratulations :)
[2013/09/07 14:33]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): well it was fun
[2013/09/07 14:33]  Serra Anansi: thanks :D
[2013/09/07 14:33]  Wildstar Beaumont: congrats, Miss Serra
[2013/09/07 14:33]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): but Congratulations :0
[2013/09/07 14:33]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): :)
[2013/09/07 14:33]  Eilidh McCullough: Congratulations
[2013/09/07 14:33]  Ray (ray.weyland): yes, congrats!
[2013/09/07 14:33]  Serra Anansi: :D
[2013/09/07 14:34]  DimiTarantello: Grats Lady T
[2013/09/07 14:34]  Serra Anansi: and final topic for today... BOOBIETHON!!
[2013/09/07 14:34]  Serra Anansi: HURRAY FOR BOOBIES
[2013/09/07 14:34]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): :)
[2013/09/07 14:34]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): *changes tag
[2013/09/07 14:34]  Podruly Peccable: /me grins
[2013/09/07 14:34]  Serra Anansi: you love em, I love em... we all love da boobies
[2013/09/07 14:34]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): /me nods solemnly
[2013/09/07 14:34]  Ray (ray.weyland): *turns a little pink in the cheeks*
[2013/09/07 14:35]  Wildstar Beaumont: :)
[2013/09/07 14:35]  Serra Anansi: and even if you are not partial to the female gender - you all have mums!
[2013/09/07 14:35]  Wildstar Beaumont: bodice ripping season !
[2013/09/07 14:35]  Podruly Peccable: lol
[2013/09/07 14:35]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): back
[2013/09/07 14:35]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): wb
[2013/09/07 14:35]  Gabrielle Riel: /me looks at the Admiral
[2013/09/07 14:35]  Wildstar Beaumont: welcome back :)
[2013/09/07 14:35]  Serra Anansi: /me laughs "that it is, wildstar"
[2013/09/07 14:35]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): welcome back dear
[2013/09/07 14:35]  Serra Anansi: you crazy man
[2013/09/07 14:35]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): just in time
[2013/09/07 14:36]  Serra Anansi: Anyone here new to Winterfell since last october?
[2013/09/07 14:36]  Serra Anansi: Or.. anyone here not familar with boobiethon?
[2013/09/07 14:36]  Jan (h0n2a): yes :)
[2013/09/07 14:36]  Serra Anansi: ah yes Jan!!
[2013/09/07 14:36]  Scout Danger (scout.eberhardt): i'm new
[2013/09/07 14:36]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): ty
[2013/09/07 14:36]  Serra Anansi: /me throws a skittle at Scout
[2013/09/07 14:36]  Ray (ray.weyland): *rolls eyes*
[2013/09/07 14:36]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): lol
[2013/09/07 14:36]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): giggles
[2013/09/07 14:37]  Eilidh McCullough: I haven't played skittles in years.
[2013/09/07 14:37]  Scout Danger (scout.eberhardt): would have preferred nachos but skittles will do
[2013/09/07 14:37]  Serra Anansi: Jan, BoobieThon is a week long fundraising event we host in a number of nations for breast cancer education and prevention
[2013/09/07 14:38]  Jan (h0n2a): That is great, thank you for info. :)
[2013/09/07 14:38]  Serra Anansi: but we are not very serious about it
[2013/09/07 14:38]  Serra Anansi: we do talk education and things like that
[2013/09/07 14:38]  Serra Anansi: but we generally have a hootenanny
[2013/09/07 14:38]  Serra Anansi: things get a bit naughty - but all for a good cause
[2013/09/07 14:39]  Selena Sideways: lol
[2013/09/07 14:39]  Scout Danger (scout.eberhardt): a shindig even === and i am copywriting hootenanny
[2013/09/07 14:39]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): :)
[2013/09/07 14:39]  Jan (h0n2a): :))
[2013/09/07 14:39]  Serra Anansi: ah Selena, you are new too!!!
[2013/09/07 14:39]  Selena Sideways: loves that word hootenanny
[2013/09/07 14:39]  Serra Anansi: you werent here last year... were you?
[2013/09/07 14:39]  Selena Sideways: yes
[2013/09/07 14:39]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): It is a part of the grass roots effort - Feel your Boobies
[2013/09/07 14:39]  Selena Sideways: no i wasnt
[2013/09/07 14:39]  Serra Anansi: This year we are again donating to a foundation called "feel your boobies"
[2013/09/07 14:40]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul):
[2013/09/07 14:40]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): ty
[2013/09/07 14:40]  Serra Anansi: its a small grass roots orginization that goes to colleges to talk to young women about self exams and reminding them that knowing your body is the best prevention
[2013/09/07 14:41]  Selena Sideways: ༶༶༶ ◕‿◕༶༶༶SMILES
[2013/09/07 14:41]  Serra Anansi: thank you olde!
[2013/09/07 14:41]  Serra Anansi: this year we are running from Oct 6th to the 13th
[2013/09/07 14:42]  Serra Anansi: (those of you on the planning commitee, the date for the ball as moved to sunday the 13th)
[2013/09/07 14:42]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Is it too late to offer an event?
[2013/09/07 14:42]  Serra Anansi: not at all!
[2013/09/07 14:42]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Oh, good.
[2013/09/07 14:42]  Serra Anansi: I will contact you to set up something
[2013/09/07 14:42]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Okay
[2013/09/07 14:43]  Serra Anansi: we have a week of events lined up with the Boobie Ball happening on SUnday the 13th from 1pm - 4pm SLT (4pm- 7pm EST; 9pm - 12am GMT)
[2013/09/07 14:43]  Serra Anansi: we used to have two balls, but we are going to try just one this year
[2013/09/07 14:44]  Serra Anansi: so mark your calendars
[2013/09/07 14:44]  Serra Anansi: sharpen your blades...
[2013/09/07 14:44]  Serra Anansi: count your clothing layers
[2013/09/07 14:44]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): lol
[2013/09/07 14:44]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): giggles
[2013/09/07 14:45]  Serra Anansi: FYI to the new people
[2013/09/07 14:45]  Serra Anansi: the boobie ball is a little like strip poker
[2013/09/07 14:45]  Serra Anansi: layers come off with donations
[2013/09/07 14:45]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): and challenges are made to males and females
[2013/09/07 14:45]  Serra Anansi: and by the end... there is much blushing and gallivanting
[2013/09/07 14:45]  Oriella Charik: so wear lots of layers!
[2013/09/07 14:45]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): so...gloves, scarves...hats.....
[2013/09/07 14:45]  Jan (h0n2a): :-))
[2013/09/07 14:46]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): Winter is Coming
[2013/09/07 14:46]  Serra Anansi: and men.. this counts fo ryou too
[2013/09/07 14:46]  Gabrielle Riel: /me is going to show up in a coat with a cape and 3 hats
[2013/09/07 14:46]  Serra Anansi: you may want to go "bits" shopping if you havent already
[2013/09/07 14:46]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Wear your collar, scarf, kerchief, AND tie.
[2013/09/07 14:46]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): giggles
[2013/09/07 14:46]  Serra Anansi: the men will NOT be excluded
[2013/09/07 14:46]  Wildstar Beaumont: /me mumbles .. rapier ... foil ...saber ... epee ...
[2013/09/07 14:46]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): *remembers coming as a tiny last year
[2013/09/07 14:47]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): lol
[2013/09/07 14:47]  Serra Anansi: unless you really really dont want to participate... its all voluntary
[2013/09/07 14:47]  Eilidh McCullough: We'll need to reschedule Girl Genius group.
[2013/09/07 14:47]  Serra Anansi: no one is forced to do anything, we just tease and have fun
[2013/09/07 14:47]  Serra Anansi: yes we will
[2013/09/07 14:47]  Serra Anansi: GG can wait
[2013/09/07 14:47]  Serra Anansi: this is boobie ball!
[2013/09/07 14:47]  Eilidh McCullough: yup, just wanted to be sure JJ will know
[2013/09/07 14:48]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): /me resists making a "double G" joke
[2013/09/07 14:48]  Serra Anansi: HA!
[2013/09/07 14:48]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): now that might be a good costume....GG
[2013/09/07 14:48]  Serra Anansi: naughty!
[2013/09/07 14:48]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): laughs
[2013/09/07 14:48]  Eilidh McCullough: LOL
[2013/09/07 14:48]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Well, I resisted.
[2013/09/07 14:48]  Serra Anansi: only partially
[2013/09/07 14:48]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Telepaths!
[2013/09/07 14:48]  Podruly Peccable: WEll done
[2013/09/07 14:48]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): lol
[2013/09/07 14:48]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): touche'
[2013/09/07 14:49]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): whispers...the wings ...Do Not come off
[2013/09/07 14:49]  Eilidh McCullough: First one I was at was as a tiny - so if any girl tinies need "enhanced", point them my way ;)
[2013/09/07 14:49]  Serra Anansi: /me grins at Eili
[2013/09/07 14:50]  Serra Anansi: any questions about BoobieThon or anything we talked about tonight
[2013/09/07 14:51]  Podruly Peccable: /me shakes his head
[2013/09/07 14:51]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): I think we are good
[2013/09/07 14:52]  Serra Anansi: sweet
[2013/09/07 14:52]  Serra Anansi: you all are amazing people!
[2013/09/07 14:52]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): :)
[2013/09/07 14:52]  Serra Anansi: Every day I am reminded of this fact, but moot days really warm my heart!
[2013/09/07 14:52]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): we live in an amazing place
[2013/09/07 14:52]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Yes
[2013/09/07 14:52]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Nice new moot venue, too
[2013/09/07 14:52]  Podruly Peccable: /me nods in agreement
[2013/09/07 14:53]  Podruly Peccable: I really like this rouund table
[2013/09/07 14:53]  Ray (ray.weyland): yes, I like what you've done with the place
[2013/09/07 14:53]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): and the castle is superb
[2013/09/07 14:53]  Serra Anansi: thanks!!
[2013/09/07 14:53]  Serra Anansi: i loove the castle and table
[2013/09/07 14:53]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Yes, beautiful place
[2013/09/07 14:53]  Wildstar Beaumont: one more thing before we go ...
[2013/09/07 14:53]  Serra Anansi: OH I made an edit
[2013/09/07 14:53]  Serra Anansi: the back wall has a door out to the dock
[2013/09/07 14:54]  Serra Anansi: there is an En Garde piste
[2013/09/07 14:54]  Serra Anansi: if you want to play
[2013/09/07 14:54]  Eilidh McCullough: Oh, good
[2013/09/07 14:54]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): :)
[2013/09/07 14:54]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): and a lovely venue for Thursday night dances
[2013/09/07 14:54]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): in the crypt
[2013/09/07 14:54]  Ray (ray.weyland): <- would love to sometime
[2013/09/07 14:54]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): oh yes!
[2013/09/07 14:54]  Eilidh McCullough: aka Friday morning dances ;)
[2013/09/07 14:54]  Serra Anansi: Ray are you in the privateers group?
[2013/09/07 14:54]  Ray (ray.weyland): no .. I don't think so
[2013/09/07 14:54]  Serra Anansi: let me get you an invite
[2013/09/07 14:55]  Serra Anansi: I will get group join posters made for in here by the next moot
[2013/09/07 14:55]  Serra Anansi: /me looks at her to do list and laughs
[2013/09/07 14:55]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): oh yes, there are several winterfell groups
[2013/09/07 14:56]  Ray (ray.weyland): hehe .. I had this lice purple outfit and sword ... and never used them :-)
[2013/09/07 14:56]  Ray (ray.weyland): nice*
[2013/09/07 14:56]  Ray (ray.weyland): pad typo
[2013/09/07 14:56]  Ray (ray.weyland): bad* even
[2013/09/07 14:56]  Serra Anansi: well you should!
[2013/09/07 14:56]  Serra Anansi: Poke that group any time
[2013/09/07 14:56]  Eilidh McCullough: /me returns from her shade book confused.
[2013/09/07 14:56]  Serra Anansi: if we are around we will play
[2013/09/07 14:56]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): Sends Ray's typist to the same school my typist will attend
[2013/09/07 14:57]  Serra Anansi: okay we have PHC starting up
[2013/09/07 14:57]  Serra Anansi: so that is my queue to wrap this up
[2013/09/07 14:57]  Ray (ray.weyland): kk .. and I have a grill to attend to
[2013/09/07 14:57]  Wildstar Beaumont: one more thing
[2013/09/07 14:57]  Serra Anansi: oh yes?
[2013/09/07 14:57]  Podruly Peccable: And I havea bed calling
[2013/09/07 14:58]  Wildstar Beaumont: I am not sure everybody knows
[2013/09/07 14:58]  Wildstar Beaumont: but it is worth reminding anyway
[2013/09/07 14:58]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): *braces for impact
[2013/09/07 14:58]  Wildstar Beaumont: at the RFL wrap up party in mid Augist our own Olde has been awarded the "spirit of relay" award for his contribution to this RFL season just closed
[2013/09/07 14:59]  Wildstar Beaumont: so I invite Winterfell to congratulate Olde !
[2013/09/07 14:59]  Wildstar Beaumont: ♪♫♥ Applauds!!! ♥♫♪
[2013/09/07 14:59]  Gabrielle Riel: /me grins
[2013/09/07 14:59]  Oriella Charik: /me cheers
[2013/09/07 14:59]  Eilidh McCullough: /me claps
[2013/09/07 14:59]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Ah, yes, congratulations, Lord Eldemar :)
[2013/09/07 14:59]  Ray (ray.weyland): yes!
[2013/09/07 14:59]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): oh where is my cutlass!!!
[2013/09/07 14:59]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): cheers
[2013/09/07 14:59]  DimiTarantello: ☆Applause☆
[2013/09/07 14:59]  Selena Sideways: Congratulations Olde!
[2013/09/07 14:59]  Herndon Bluebird: Huzzah!
[2013/09/07 14:59]  Serra Anansi: whooooo!!!!
[2013/09/07 14:59]  Podruly Peccable: /me applauds "well deserved!"
[2013/09/07 14:59]  Filbert Holmer: 'grats Olde
[2013/09/07 14:59]  Jan (h0n2a): applause
[2013/09/07 14:59]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): I know you worked very hard on that :)
[2013/09/07 14:59]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): hurrah
[2013/09/07 14:59]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): Thanks so much!!!
[2013/09/07 14:59]  DimiTarantello: ☆Applause☆
[2013/09/07 14:59]  Gabrielle Riel: /me cheers with an unladylike Hoooo!
[2013/09/07 14:59]  Serra Anansi: Brilliant Olde
[2013/09/07 14:59]  Serra Anansi: you really are inspiring
[2013/09/07 15:00]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): *blushes
[2013/09/07 15:00]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): Nah - just being me
[2013/09/07 15:00]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): smiles
[2013/09/07 15:00]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): some poor folks have to put up with that everyday
[2013/09/07 15:00]  Serra Anansi: :)
[2013/09/07 15:00]  Serra Anansi: LOL
[2013/09/07 15:00]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): lol
[2013/09/07 15:00]  Ray (ray.weyland): :-)
[2013/09/07 15:00]  Gabrielle Riel: Simply surviving the RFL season without an inpatient stay in a psychiatric hospital is amazing. *This* is unheard of. :-)
[2013/09/07 15:00]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): my favourite comment though was that I am a SMOFFER
[2013/09/07 15:01]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): High compliment to a high school teacher
[2013/09/07 15:01]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): IS that an acronym?
[2013/09/07 15:01]  Serra Anansi: what does that mean?
[2013/09/07 15:01]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): Secretive MAster of Fandom
[2013/09/07 15:01]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): Ah lol
[2013/09/07 15:01]  Wildstar Beaumont: :)
[2013/09/07 15:01]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): all good teachers do well
[2013/09/07 15:02]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): thank you Lady Serra
[2013/09/07 15:02]  Selena Sideways: whispers: ty Lady serra!
[2013/09/07 15:02]  Wildstar Beaumont: must go and get PHC started
[2013/09/07 15:02]  Wildstar Beaumont: good bye all !
[2013/09/07 15:02]  Serra Anansi: See you all!!!
[2013/09/07 15:02]  Ray (ray.weyland): well,, thank you all
[2013/09/07 15:02]  Cassie Writer-Eldemar (cashew.writer): take care everyone and merry paths
[2013/09/07 15:02]  Serra Anansi: have a great evening!
[2013/09/07 15:02]  Toubanua T'Kreth (toubanua.tairov): It was good seeing all of you :)
[2013/09/07 15:02]  OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul): Thanks to all -
[2013/09/07 15:02]  Eilidh McCullough: I shall see you all at PHC in about ten minutes
[2013/09/07 15:02]  Jan (h0n2a): Good bye all! :)
[2013/09/07 15:03]  Herndon Bluebird: Bye all!
[2013/09/07 15:03]  Podruly Peccable: Good night everyone, take care all